25 10 2023

Rottamazione Quarter: scadenza ultima 6 novembre

2023-10-25T08:34:12+02:00Ottobre 25th, 2023|Studio associato Magnaghi Giannotto|

Ader sta ricordando a tutti i richiedenti che martedì 31/10/2023 scade il versamento della prima o unica rata per chi ha aderito alla rottamazione quater (e non risiede nelle zone alluvionate nel mese di Maggio). Nella mail Ader si ricorda anche che saranno considerati comunque tempestivi i versamenti effettuati entro il prossimo 6 novembre

25 10 2023

Se le rimanenze differiscono dall’inventario parte l’accertamento induttivo

2023-10-25T08:31:56+02:00Ottobre 25th, 2023|Studio associato Magnaghi Giannotto|

E' legittimo l’accertamento analitico induttivo con cui si contesta l’occultamento totale o parziale di operazioni vendita sulla base delle rilevate differenze tra rimanenze finali e iniziali rispettivamente indicate in bilancio e nel libro inventari della società. Lo ha stabilito la Cassazione con ordinanza 26484 del 13 settembre 2023

8 09 2021

Buying A Property In Italy? What All Should You Know.

2023-04-11T09:24:14+02:00Settembre 8th, 2021|Studio associato Magnaghi Giannotto|

Buying property is never easy, especially when it comes to tax. There are several taxes to be considered that may vary according to the type of property, its condition, and its purpose. Here are the most important ones you should be informed about. 1. Stamp Duty Stamp Duty is a duty or tax that you might have to pay if you buy a residential property or a piece of land in Italy over a certain price. Want to know about ...

17 08 2021

Who Is A Commercialista? And Why Do You Need One?

2023-04-11T09:24:15+02:00Agosto 17th, 2021|Studio associato Magnaghi Giannotto|

Professionals with a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (whose full title is dottore commercialista) are individuals recognized by Italian law to have competent knowledge about commercial, economic, financial, tax-related and accounting topics, having previously achieved the proper qualification in the same. A commercialista can be responsible towards individuals, companies or non- profits and is responsible for management and liquidation of assets. For startups, sole proprietors, freelancers or established businesses, a commercialista's job is job is to make sure that ...

16 08 2021

What Is An IRPEF Bonus? And Who Is Eligible?

2023-04-11T09:24:15+02:00Agosto 16th, 2021|Studio associato Magnaghi Giannotto|

An IRPEF Bonus is a personal income tax bonus awarded to fixed employees working in the public or private sectors, falling within a specific income bracket. Introduced by the 2021 Budget Law of Italy as income support for workers with incomes up to 40 thousand euros, the 2021 IRPEF Bonus is a give back contribution in paychecks, up to a maximum of 1200 euros per person during 2021. In order to be eligible, inside each pay slip, should be a ...

12 08 2021

#4 Things To Keep In Mind When Starting Your Business In Italy

2023-04-11T09:24:16+02:00Agosto 12th, 2021|Studio associato Magnaghi Giannotto|

Starting a business in Italy? Here are four essential things to remember to avoid your business going under: 1. Plan your budget: Budgeting is very important when starting up any business. It sets the markers for how much you can spend on each operation at each given time. Of course, these figures do not have to exact. Give yourself some leeway when it comes to your future expenses. In the first year of your business odds are you're going to ...

5 08 2021

Internal vs External Audits: How Are They Different?

2023-04-11T09:24:16+02:00Agosto 5th, 2021|Studio associato Magnaghi Giannotto|

Internal and external audits work hand-in-hand. Their functions are complementary to one another and therefore when being carried need to be worked on together, even though their purposes and areas of focus differ. Internal audits take an all-encompassing view of their organization's governance, risk, and control systems (in other words, primarily non-financial information), which is useful for the company to use internally. On the other hand external audits are either concerned with the accuracy of business accounts and the organization's ...

5 08 2021

Tax advisors, accountants, auditors, and lawyers in Milan

2023-04-11T09:24:16+02:00Agosto 5th, 2021|Studio associato Magnaghi Giannotto|

Let’s start with the basics, who is a tax advisor, accountant, auditor, and tax lawyer? All of the above are financial experts with advanced training and knowledge of tax accounting, auditing and tax law. A tax advisor may also be known as a tax consultant. Tax advisors in Italy are usually retained over a period of time in order to correctly identify the taxes payable while remaining compliant with the law in complicated financial situations of the country. Tax advisors ...

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