Interlocutory contacts are underway between the MEF and the MIMIT for the management of the restart of the process of populating the register of beneficial owners after the sentences of the TAR of Lazio of 9.4.2024 with which the appeals presented by various fiduciary associations were rejected .
With a subsequent note addressed to the Chambers of Commerce, MIMIT confirmed on 11.4.2024 the deadline for communications from the beneficial owner to the Companies Registry offices, inviting the Chamber bodies to prudently appreciate "any initiative useful for facilitating the correct fulfillment of communication obligations".
Following this note, the Chambers of Commerce began discussions with the Ministry to obtain uniform indications, as well as an extension to organize the launch of the register as well.
It would seem that, with a specific decree, 31.5.2024 will probably be identified as the deadline for communicating beneficial ownership to the Registry without incurring sanctions.